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Are You Wondering About
the Value of Selling How to Grow |
Your Alabama Business

Considering Selling Your Business?

To get a full understanding of your business, it is important to grasp the valuation methods business brokers, buyers and lenders in Mobile, AL use to arrive at a acquisition price. While business owners have a solid grasp on running their business on a daily basis, that may not be the same factors a potential buyer would look for. 

Ensuring that you fully understand the current value of your business and what can be done to increase its value is a specialty of our team. This is always a staring point with our Alabama business owners.

If now is not the time to sell, our business coaching team in Mobile, AL can bring an impartial look at your company. Whether it is a new marketing plan, better exploitation of current markets, or simply organizing your daily structure to provide more free time to focus elsewhere, our experts are ready to work with you.

Vision Fox is a member of the International Business Broker Association and has been helping business owners sell their companies since 2008. Reach out to us today to schedule a call and learn how our business brokerage experts in Mobile, AL can help you meet your goals.

corrective and preventative action coaching (CAPA)

Coaching Program


A second set of eyes can be a valuable thing to have, especially if those eyes come from experienced business coaches in Mobile, AL. Our top-level professionals offer a wide range of services and advice to provide you the perspective you need to maximize your business. We know you don’t need a backseat CEO, but we may be able to find ways for you to better focus your energy, giving you more time to execute your vision. In addition, our business coaching firm helps keep an eye on the overall growth of your business so you are ready for any opportunity for your company in Mobile, AL

Key Business Drivers
3 +
Business Sectors


As a top business brokerage firm in Mobile, AL, we work with business owners to increase the business value from the point of an acquisition. While there may not be a need to sell immediately, understanding what creates extra value and focusing additional time and effort on those goals ensures that when a sale is desirable, the business attracts the maximum sale price. 

Business Valuations
Finding Recurring revenue
Business Growth
Establishing Key Performance Indicator
Unique selling prepositions
Increasing Customer Satisfaction
Growth potential
Selling Your Business


Find Out Answers Here

Statistically we know that it takes 8 months on average for a business to sell once it is listed. This really depends on several factors. Contact our team today to learn what influences this number.

Our coaching program helps you establish long term, mid range and short term goals. Most of our coaching clients are looking for help with Time, Team or Money. A Business Coach offers you a place to work on your business as you seek growth and increase the value of your business.

Most of our clients prefer that the sell of their business is kept confidential up until the day it is sold. When listing your business for sale we are very general about the location and industry specifics until a non disclosure agreement is signed by a vetted buyer prospect.

Vision Fox Business Advisors is a team of business brokers and business coaches that understand business. We have personally bought, sold created and grown business for ourselves and others.  

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